Film über Lupus

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54, Männlich

Beiträge: 29

Film über Lupus

von geoff am 15.12.2008 10:33

Hallo Dani and the lupus DE forum,:D

Entschuldige bitte fur the Englisch...

Ich habe found a film about lupus. It is called 'My Only U" and is from The Philippines. It's good to see an international movie with a lupus thema - and it looks like fun!

I don't know if there are Englisch subtitles, but it was screened in Amerika in November.

I have more information on mein worldwide lupus blog:

Are there any European movies with a lupus thema?

This is good for lupus awareness.

Danke for your kind willkommen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Geoff (Jeff)
The Wide World of Lupus.

The Lupus Magazine



-, Weiblich

Beiträge: 233

Re: Film über Lupus

von annette am 15.12.2008 19:29

Hi Geoff,

thanks for telling us. Hopefully the movie is going to be shown in the cinemas in germany as well.

I don´t know any european movies where lupus was mentioned. Unfortunately.
We only have Dr. House on television.

kind regards, Annette


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